Alright everybody, it's time to get started with a good old-fashioned Roster Evolution game!
Here's a quick reminder of who all is participating:
Kay the 13
Rules are simple - add or remove character to a Super Smash Bros. styled roster based on the conditions for each round. You can use Roster Builder or your usual art program to adjust your roster, but you can also just use text if you're not an artist. Once all rosters have been posted, a vote will take place and players will choose their personal favorite and least favorite rosters in each round - it is recommended that you explain your votes so other players can determine what to build or improve upon in the next round!
Round 1 - Your Original 12
Make a roster with 12 characters to start things off. Votes won't have any major effect for now, but after the next couple rounds or so, expect some eliminations to begin! This is also your last chance to hop into the game if you haven't already signed up on the blog!