- "Glitch"
- "Sad4NintenBoxRV"
- (Mario) The Darkness Behind Destiny
- (Mario) The Music Box
- (Mayro) The Music Box
- (Re) Born
- (Re) Venant
- 120X Ps
- 1P Mode (Super Smash Bros Battle Mega)
- 3DS Advance Upload
- 60 Minutes
- 64 Bit Game
- 79 Studios
- 8-Bits Megamix
- ???
- ???-Trailer
- ??? (LTS)
- A.R.E.S Agenda de Destruccion
- AA no ni jū shichi nin no bōken
- AEFS/Episodio 0
- AEFS/Episodio 1
- AEFS/Episodio 2
- AEFS/Episodio 3
- ARMS Fusion
- A Koopa Story
- A Koopa Story: Robotized Quest
- A Nameless RPG
- A Strange World
- A Weird Life/Episodio 2
- A Winter Adventure
- Abeja
- Abril
- Acephalous
- Adgeeh the Hedgehog
- Adolfo Lician
- Advacon
- Advacon Revolution System
- Advanced Warfare (Saga)
- Adventure Rivals Galaxy
- Adventures of Lolo for Nintendo 3DS
- Aeon
- Aether (Meta Insignem)
- Afton Twisted Saga
- Age of Dragons
- Age of Dragons III: The liberty
- Age of Legends
- Agente 5
- Agente Temporal Thyme
- Agente Zettai
- Agustín Zepeda (Guilt Days)
- AiDIA Creativity
- AiDIA Creativity/AiDIA Rewind: F3 2020
- AiDIA Creativity/Jaxco
- AiDIA Creativity/¡Reestreno de Some Broken Walls!
- Aigis
- Aika
- Akaname System
- Akuro System
- Alan
- Alan (Rivers)
- Alan Clark
- Alan Clark: The Shadow Fall
- Alan Clark (Personaje)
- Alan Clark 3
- Alba
- Alba/Datos
- Alba/Historia
- Alba/Soundtrack
- Alba (Película)
- Albatross
- Albert Casals (Universo Eje)
- Aldeano
- Alejandro Galáz (Guilt Days)
- Aleska (PM)
- Alessandro
- Alexandra Lawrence
- Algunos personajes de la serie Super Mario Sunshine
- Ali Al-Worafi
- Alianzas
- Alice. Return to Wonderland
- Alice Jones
- Alize
- All-Stars Battle
- Allen Schröder
- Allez Studios
- Almohadius (LTS)
- Alpaca Race
- Alterfight
- Alyce
- Amigos y enemigos
- Amiibo Silver Wave
- Among Us
- Andersson
- Andreu (Rivers)
- Androgios (Warzone)
- Android Nintendo DS Air
- Androide Nº29
- Andsamdo Ultra Play
- Anexo:Episodios de Super Rhythm Mario Heaven
- Angel Rangers
- Angry Birds On Kirby's Dreamland.
- Animal Crossing:The New World
- Animal Crossing: Millionaire Contest
- Animal Crossing Good Life
- Anime All-Stars Battle Royale
- Anime All-Stars Meele Combat
- Anime Battle Ultimate
- Anime Complex: Cross Arena 2020 Flash
- Anime Online Arena
- Anime and cartoons all stars royal battle
- Animēshon no dai rantō sumasshu
- Anna (¡FEF!)
- Anne Bonny (HC)
- Another Super Mario: Valentine's Revenge
- Another Super Mario (juego)
- Anthony
- Anti Despair Inc.
- Antiestelar
- Antonio Pizarro (Guilt Days)
- Anunciador Pianta
- Apex Caelestium (Meta Insignem)
- Apocalypse: Realtrix
- Apocrypha: The Gray Sculptor
- Apricot
- Aqua
- Aquadventures
- Aquadventures/001
- Aquadventures/002
- Aquiles
- Arc of the Elements
- ArcadeOS Web
- Arcade OS
- Arcade OS/Reseñas
- Arcade Project
- Arceus
- Archie
- Arco (Rivers)
- Arco de los Nega-Clones
- Arco de los Nega-Clones/Capítulo 1
- Arco del Bosque de Farone
- Ariana's Tales from R.E.M
- Ariette (SS)
- Arjen (Rivers)
- Arle Nadja
- Armadillo andino (Guilt Days)
- Armagedon
- Armagedón (Meta Insignem)
- Arms Out
- Arthos (Meta Insignem)
- Artificial Neverland
- Asami Sayenko
- Ashley Guy
- Aslan the Linchda
- Aspirina
- Assasination Classroom: Until the End
- Asterisk
- Astro Boy & Mega Man
- Astro Boy Collection all stars
- Ataque enemigo
- Atari and Console Collection 1 IN 6
- Aurelia
- Aurora
- Aurora/Historia
- Aurora/Soundtrack
- Awesome
- Awesome (¡FEF!)
- Awesome Koopa
- Awesome y el mundo perdido
- Ay
- Azulón
- Azure Striker Gunvolt Legendary Lightning
- BMI 01 - Isla Mutante - La Plaga Invade el Mundo
- Baby Kart
- Baby Mario Adventures:Children Day Special
- Baby Mario Kart
- Bachagante
- Badland
- Badland Mapas
- Bagera the Panther
- Bagera the Panther (saga)
- Balloom
- Balloon Mario
- Baltimore (Crew)
- Band Hero 2
- Banda de Galáz (Guilt Days)
- Banda de Rojas (Guilt Days)
- Banda de los Juárez (Guilt Days)
- BangloStamo
- Banjo-Galaxie
- Banjo-Odysseeie
- Banjo-Threeie
- Banjo y Kazooie (Personaje)
- BarBone
- Barbagrejo
- Basilisx
- Basilix (LTS)
- Batman
- Batman: Silencio (Videojuego)
- Battle (Super Smash Bros Battle Mega)
- Battle Chaos (Super Smash Bros Battle Mega)
- Battle for Stoncious
- Battle of Nintendo
- Battle royale Bowser minions
- Bayonetta
- Bear
- Beat Heroes
- Bebé Clawdia
- Bebé Daisy
- Bebé Luigi
- Bebé Mario
- Bebé Peach
- Bebé Rosalina
- Belinda
- Bellota obstinada
- Bernadetta von Varley
- Bestia la Roborca
- Betjay
- Big Hero 6 & Jax the Hedgehog
- Binoculares (Guilt Days)
- Biological weapons in Mushroom Kingdom
- Birdo
- Bizarre's Kars
- Black Bowser
- Black Knight Studios
- Black Rock Shooter: Fallen Spirit
- Blackshy
- Blade Walker
- Bladers & Gunslingers
- Blantita
- Blargg
- Blash: Adventure in Paradise
- Blash: Mutant Island (serie)
- Blash: the Red Hedhehog
- Blash II
- Blash the Hedgehog
- Blaster: The Blue Spirit of the Wind
- Blaster: Wolf Trilogy
- Blaster 3D Adventure
- Blaster GX
- Blaster Rebooted
- Blaster The Wolf: Eggman Nega Returns
- Blaster The Wolf: Returning to Pacific Island
- Blaster The Wolf: The Beginning of the Adventure
- Blaster U.
- Blaster the Wolf
- Blaster the Wolf (película)
- Blaster the Wolf (saga)
- Blastoise
- Blazblue Cross Tag Battle Extend
- Blazblue vs Guilty Gear - Blue Carnival
- Blaze
- Blaziken
- Blocklands
- Blocklands 2
- Blocklands Wii Control
- Blood Rage
- Blooper Arenoso
- Blotty
- Bloxie
- Bloxie's Epic Adventure
- Blue Exorcist
- Blue Shadow
- Bob
- Bob-Omb Volcánico
- Bob-Pulta
- Bob-Pulta (LTS)
- Bob-omb Kart
- Bolso (Guilt Days)
- BomBom
- Bomberman
- Bomberman Explosion
- Bomberman Legends
- Bonezilla
- Boo
- Boo's Island
- Boo's Island: Collection
- Boo's Island (lugar)
- Boo's Island (saga)
- Boo's Island 2
- Boo's Island 3: the Haunted Mansion
- Boo's Island 4
- Boo's Island 5
- Boo's Island 6
- Boo's Island New
- Boo Arco-Iris
- Boo Autodestructivo
- Boo Azul
- Boo Bu
- Boo Dorado
- Boo Infernal
- Boo Resorte
- Boo Rojo
- Boo Venenoso
- Boo Verde
- Boopeyr
- Booskyov
- Boows
- Born to Run
- Boss Battles Hispana
- Botiquín (Rivers)
- Bouldergeist
- Bowser
- Bowser's Lost Memories
- Bowser's Minions forever
- Bowser's Power.
- Bowser's Story
- Bowser: Returning Home
- Bowser (MNL)
- Bowser (REMIX!)
- Bowser Adventures 1 (NH)
- Bowser Adventure´s
- Bowser Game
- Bowser Jr's Colors Adventure
- Bowser Jr: Mysterious Danger
- Bowser Party
- Bowser Story's
- Bowser Warfare
- Bowser World
- Bowser virus
- Bowsette
- Bowsy / Bowser Jr
- Bowsyer
- Bowzer
- Boxer
- Brandiél Balta
- Brandon Olimpics
- Breakfast Express.
- Bridget
- Broforce: The Definitive Brodition
- Broken Alliance
- Broken Alliance/Episodio 1
- Broken Alliance/Episodio 2
- Broken Alliance/Episodio 3
- Broken Alliance/Episodio 4
- Broken Alliance/Soundtrack
- Bruja Jijí
- Bruno
- Bugzelebi
- Bulbasaur
- Bullety
- Bunny Life: The Tragedy
- Burbufón jefe
- Burbuja Sucia
- By-0n1c
- By0n1c in Sonic The Hedgehog